Abingdon’s multi-storey to be reserved for vaccination parking only, on specific days
Parking at the Charter multi-storey car park in Abingdon will be reserved for people getting their Covid-19 jabs on certain days over the next month or so.
Thousands of patients are being invited to get their jabs at the Malthouse Surgery over the coming weeks and many of them will be people in their 80s and over getting their second dose. The Charter car park is the closest and most suitable area for elderly and vulnerable residents to park.
Spaces at the car park are currently limited due to essential repairs and maintenance taking place on the upper floors and so on the vaccination days, motorists arriving in town for any other reason are being asked to use the town’s other car parks.
Due to the way the vaccine is distributed, the surgery is unable to confirm dates longer than a week or so ahead and so the district council will keep residents up to speed on the vaccination days on its social media channels.
Motorists should therefore park in the town’s other car parks on these days. Spaces will remain available in the multi-storey for disabled motorists and passengers.
Parking wardens will be on hand on the vaccination days to advise motorists about the best alternative locations they can park.
For more information please about the work at the Charter please visit whitehorsedc.gov.uk/chartercarpark
For details about the other car parks in Abingdon see whitehorsedc.gov.uk/abingdoncarparks