Environmental health reports
Each report title takes you to the webpage where this information is published. Please email performance@southandvale.gov.uk if you cannot find what you are looking for.
Air quality annual status report (external link) – all current and historic information on local air quality management (LAQM) across our district and the whole county can be found on the Oxfordshire air quality website.
Animal welfare licensing register – we licence animal welfare establishments under The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.
Annual report for private water supplies (external link) – the Drinking Water Inspectorate reports on drinking water quality at a national level and all local authorities are required to provide relevant data.
Environmental permits public register – we keep a register of businesses whose activities could pollute the air, water or land and must be regulated.
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (external link) – the Food Standards Agency publish food hygiene ratings for local food businesses based on data we provide.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) annual data return – we provide data on our health and safety intervention, enforcement and prosecution activity to the HSE who publishes this data on their website.
Public health burial information – this information is updated as soon as possible after a funeral, and includes basic details of all public health burials arranged by us in the last seven years.
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Noise Survey – the CIEH publish the number of noise complaints and enforcement actions taken at a national/regional level.
WasteDataFlow (external link) – we provide quarterly waste and recycling statistics via an online portal to help central government monitor progress towards national and local targets, to produce National Statistics on municipal waste, to provide an evidence base to guide government policy.